Water moves through the xylem vessels. Transpiration is driving force that pull water up from roots to leaves to supply photosynthesizing tissue thus. 9 2 Transport In Angiospermophytes Bioninja Water moves in the direction of high to low water potentialand we can speak of the water potential W at any point along that continuum as consisting of two components as follows. . Transpiration is water loss from plant by evaporation. Only a small amount of water absorbed by the plants is utilised in growth and development. Once water has been taken up by the roots it is pulled upwards into the leaves where it then evaporates. This water loss from leaves by evaporation is called transpiration. Transported through the xylem 3. Draws water by osmosis c. Diffusion of water vapour through stomata. Transpiration produces a tension or pull on the water in the xylem vessels by the leaves. The main driving factor is the d...